Linowes Executive Development

LXDi is the resource center for “soft skills” vital for success in leadership, business development, presentations, public speaking, and client relationship management.

Presentation Coaching

Deliver Influential Presentations

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Leadership Education

Prepare Next Generation Leaders

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Business Building

Develop & Advance Client Relations

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What our clients say

I attended your talk and found the presentation EXTREMELY helpful as my role here has involved increasing amounts of public speaking. I will spread the word here in case other departments are interested in your training...

Program Coordinator
public official, greater Boston

We would not have been successful without Joanne's guidance, training, coaching, and being part of our team.

Project Executive
construction company, New England

Joanne's guidance, as always was invaluable in helping crystallize the message and get it down so we can get it out with impressive results.

Senior Vice President and Principal
ENR Top 100 Firm

Your guidance was invaluable. I finally had the presentation completed late Wednesday evening and was able to quickly put together my "diamond". Once that was done my nervousness evaporated. Thank you so much for your expert advice...

Senior Associate
ENR Top 500 design firm

Covered a lot of ground in a short period. Joanne's experience in our industry is a real plus because it grounded theory with real life.

Marketing Principal
ENR Top 100 design firm

A must attend for anyone involved in presentations (either internally or externally). In short, I think every professional should take this presentations course. Joanne did an exceptional job.

Project Manager
ENR Top 300 company, Sacramento, CA

Overall excellent workshop. Fun, informative, energetic, enthusiastic. I took home some great hints!

Marketing Director
A/E Firm, Boston

Joanne's professional development programs are very informative and interactive. New information for us to incorporate into our current plans--very usable and sensible material.

Boston-area construction company

[Joanne's] presentation hit the right message and the steps [the firm's principals] need to follow. I received strong feedback not just about [Joanne's] content, but also how clear [her] delivery was on intangible presentation...

Marketing Officer
architecture firm, Chicago

This [leadership information] is so great! It rings so true.

Design-professional executive
mid-Atlantic CM firm